Alkira Awards 2021

The Alkira Awards were presented at our 67th Annual General Meeting on the 27th October 2021. We are delighted to have many award winners this year for all the outstanding work at Alkira.   Congratulations to…   Tayla Box for her Participant Personal Achievement Award Tayla is a student in our Momentum program. We congratulate..

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Alkira Awards 2020

We recognise and celebrate participants, employees and volunteers for their contributions, achievements and commitment to Alkira. This year’s awards announced at our Annual General Meeting on the 20th October 2020 were:   50 years of Service* Ruth Walker Alkira participant Ruth joined Alkira in 1970 when she was just 4 years old. Ruth has never..

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The Participant Committee

Have you heard of the Participant Committee? They assist Alkira in a lot of ways, and ensure we are providing the best service for participants. The members are advocates for people with intellectual disabilities and go to VALID meetings and conferences like the Having a Say Conference. They are elected every year after being voted..

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